Ashitaba – Page 4 – Kenko

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The Ultimate Guide to Growing an Ashitaba Plant: Everything You Need to Know

You've probably seen matcha but may not have heard about another beneficial Japanese plant.   We're talking about Ashitaba ("tomorrow's leaf"), the Japanese angelica plant with just as many (if not more) health benefits as our beloved green tea powder.  Here's a fun fact: the Ashitaba leaves can regenerate within 24 hours of harvest (which is why it's known as a longevity herb in Japanese medicinal folklore).  The health benefits don't stop there. Ashitaba supports the rejuvenation of the body's cells, blood, and digestive system, as well as improving skin and mood.  The plant is rich in vitamin B, having significant levels of B6 (known for sleep regulation) and B12 (an important vitamin for nerve function and is usually found...

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Your DNA Might Be The Key To A Longer Healthier Life

People in Japan have an uncanny ability to live longer and healthier lives than the rest of the world but as scientists take a fresh look at their traditions the pieces of the puzzle have started to come together and the results might just be life changing. In order to understand how some basic differences in japanese diet can lead to the largest population of healthy individuals over the age of 100 in the world, you need to understand how DNA functions as a blueprint, constantly regenerating and rebuilding every element of your body. Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) is a series of atoms bound together in a spirally ladder that is famously visualized as the double helix. Like everyone has...

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