Ashitaba: How Tomorrow’s Leaf can Make You Healthier Today – Kenko

Ashitaba: How Tomorrow’s Leaf can Make You Healthier Today

The Japanese are currently outliving everyone else on the plant. Wanna know why? It's simple. They have a healthy lifestyle that comprises of healthy eating, exercises, and access to good medical infrastructure.

Our focus in this article is on their diet. Specifically, a plant called Ashitaba. If a recent report out of Austria is true, this is a plant that you should pay a lot of attention to. 

While it seems like a "miracle plant", Ashitaba benefits were apparently stumbled on by mistake. You see, the plant solely grew on Hochiji Island, where political prisoners were sent to die. 

Only, instead of becoming sick, growing lethargic and dying, the prisoners seemed even more agile, healthier and aged slower. Turns out they were eating and drinking all parts of the Ashitaba plant. 

They ate the leaves, sucked its chalcone-rich sap, made infusions from its roots, and drank it as tea. As a result, the political prisoners who were exiled to Hochigi Island ended up living far longer than anticipated and mostly died of natural causes. 

Upon discovery of this plant, the country went ahead to make it available to everyone who was interested. Which is why Ashitaba plants are found more in Asia than other parts of the world. 

Want to know why the Ashitaba plant is becoming increasingly popular? The following should give you a clear picture:

Ashitaba Benefits -Everything that Makes the Plant Awesome

The following are why people all over the world are seeking out the plant:

Boosts Immunity

The plant has huge antioxidative properties, thanks to its carotenoids and flavonoids. As a result, it's great for eliminating free radicals, easing stress, reducing oxidative damage and improving your immunity.

It also helps with controlling and reducing allergies. 54.6 percent of the American population suffers from some sort of allergy every year. If you belong in that category, you should have the tea handy as the spring season begins.

People who have used it for allergy control claim that it helped stop their allergies within 10 minutes of ingesting the tea. So, you might want to give it a try if you're prone to allergies. 

Fights Cancer

Another huge Ashitaba benefit is its ability to trigger cell death (apoptosis) in certain cancer cells. Studies involving stomach and liver cancers, and neuroblastoma showed that it caused the malignant cells to die, even in advanced cases. 

Also, its anti-tumor activities not only caused tumors to shrink, but it also prevented the growth of others. People looking for a supplementary cancer treatment protocol may want to try adding Ashitaba tea. 

Excellent Fat Loss Agent and Visceral Fat Blaster

With 650 million obese people, we're looking at a global pandemic in the near future. Over the last 40 years, we've had more obese children and adults, than in the history of man combined.

People need to lose weight fast before it becomes an epidemic. While there are other options including frequent exercising, portion control, and diet pills, Ashitaba can serve additional support.

The plant plays a role in triggering the production of adiponectin. When present in abundance, this hormone reduces glucose levels in the body and accelerates fat burn, particularly around the abdomen and stomach.

Also, it does a great job of minimizing the volume of fat creating cells in the body. So, if you're looking to melt off your belly fat and achieve that highly elusive, flat mid-section, you might want to consider adding Ashitaba tea to your overall diet.   

Protects the Heart

Cardiovascular disease and its cousins are a major source of concern in the US. Every year, over 600,000 people die from heart-related conditions. That's roughly 25 percent of all deaths in the country. Across, the globe, the number is above 17 million.

These are alarming numbers and calls for serious concern. While there are heart medications meant to help manage blood pressure, Ashitaba has been found to do that and more.

Taken correctly, Ashitaba tea, leaves, roots and seeds can also lower blood pressure and get rid of bad cholesterol. People who drink a cup of Ashitaba tea a day have reported significantly lower blood pressure. 

It does this by blocking ACE's (angiotensin-converting enzyme) activity. This essentially what many high blood pressure medications do. 

Regulates Blood Sugar

According to the American Diabetes Organization, over 30 million Americans currently have diabetes. That's almost 10 percent of the population. That's a huge number. 

Unfortunately, diabetics are also predisposed to other heart-related conditions. The key to preventing diabetes in the first place is to live a more active life and get your blood sugar down. 

Ashitaba has been found to help regulate blood sugar levels so your pancreas doesn't overwork itself. This results in increased insulin sensitivity and less bad cholesterol in your bloodstream. 

Combats Inflammation

Inflammation in small amounts is good. It's how your body accelerates healing and defends itself against foreign agents.

However, when it becomes excessive, it can cause a wide range of health issues like arthritis, rapid aging, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, and DNA damage among others. 

You need to control your inflammation. Ashitaba has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to its abundant flavonoids. This helps curb chronic inflammation, whilst still encouraging your body to heal.  

Helps with GI Problems

Gastrointestinal conditions like acid reflux, constipation, and stomach ulcer are caused by a variety of factors. However, all of these can be soothed by taking Ashitaba tea infusions.

The plant has been used in Asia, for relieving stomach problems since the middle ages. If you don't want to take medications for those conditions, you might want to try using the plant.

People who have these conditions and have used it say it really does help provide quick relief. Many users enjoy improved and easier bowel movements, little or no pains from stomach ulcer, and zero heartburns, without changing their diets.  

Is That All?

Not at all. Other Ashitaba benefits include improved cognitive functioning, slower aging, detoxing, antidepressant, and stress reliever. If you want to learn more about this awesome plant, visit the Kenko Green Blog.